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Q. How do I arrange a teaching session using University Collections?

Answered By: Hilda McNae
Last Updated: May 22, 2024     Views: 35

Should you wish to hold a teaching session in AY 2023/24 using original material from University Collections you should email by Tuesday 18 July, at the latest, to indicate your interest in booking a session. Please provide the module code and title, the preferred week and/or date and time you would like the session should take place and the approximate number of students you would expect to attend.

Please also copy your request to Steven Martin (sdm22), User Services Officer (University Collections), who will be coordinating all requests.

Classes will predominately be held in the New Park Seminar Room which can accommodate up to 12 students plus 2 members of staff. This capacity may impact on those who teach larger groups and will potentially require repeat sessions to accommodate the whole cohort. There are small lockers available in the room for students to store their belongings.

There may also be the opportunity to hold classes in the Napier Reading Room, which has a slightly larger capacity, but this would only be on a Friday and if the New Park Seminar Room is already in use.  

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