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Q. Can I use content from a streaming service in my teaching?

Answered By: Hilda McNae
Last Updated: Jan 03, 2024     Views: 20

We have provided information on the many sources available for using  film, documentaries and audio recordings in your teaching and how copyright exceptions apply. Where at all possible you should follow these guidelines or contact us for further advice.

On occasion the content you wish to use may only be available on a commercial streaming service (.e.g Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+). These services do not provide educational licences for Universities to subscribe to, although Netflix does provide a small number of titles which are available for one-time educational screenings.

The Code of Fair Practice for the Use of Audiovisual Works in Film Education states that it is legally unclear as to whether personal subscriptions can be used in this instance. If you do decide that you are unable to identify alternative relevant content from any other sources and that your use can be justified for teaching and learning purposes then we suggest the following steps as best practice.

  • Where possible use only small clips rather than whole programmes. You should ensure that they are sufficiently acknowledged for fair dealing to apply (see guidelines for citing audiovisual materials)
  • You should not systematically use a personal subscription to a streaming service for screening content in the classroom.
  • Login details to the service should not be shared with students or other teaching colleagues
  • When streaming the content from your personal subscription it should not be recorded and no content should be copied and made available in an alternative way (for example, providing a downloadable copy to students via Moodle).



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